Sunday, September 27, 2015

Things We Learned (September 21 - 25)

A homework folder is being sent every Friday now. Please look at the yellow folder sent in a plastic bag found in your child's backpack.
As part of our math activities, we are going to graph our eye colours. I like doing this because it is an authentic activity that the kids know and understand since they are looking at each other's eyes to determine their colour. We will find out next week.

Another authentic activity for math is the birthday chart. We will find out which month is the most popular and the least popular. But I emphasized if some kids are in the least popular month, it does not mean that they are  least popular as well. It just happens that way. This is a great segue into a simple explanation of probability.

We had the Terry Fox Assembly. The guest speaker talked about who he is and what he stood for.

But the more authentic discussion happened when we did our 5 W's about the assembly.

After we have done the news of the 5 W's, I let kids ask their questions. I thought it was going to be about the semantics of the lesson but the kids wanted to know about cancer. 'What is cancer?', 'Why was Terry Fox's leg amputated?' 'Why did he die?', 'Why didn't he stay alive even if his leg was cut off?' I told them about my parents who both passed away from cancer. I connected this to my personal experience. Then, they were connecting my experience with theirs because some of them had loved ones who died of cancer.   One student asked if it was hard for Terry Fox running around with that 'fake' leg. I told the class to 'stand up and let's try to walk around the classroom with one leg not bending at the knee'. They did and found out it was hard. And they said that the money being raised is to help cure cancer patients, buy them food and clothing (I couldn't refute this because I didn't know exactly how the money is being allocated). But I also told them that the money is being used to pay for the scientists who are trying to find ways to cure cancer and the equipments in the research labs. The funds are for 'cancer research'. It was a great talk on the carpet that lasted more than half an hour... time well spent to understand about the frailty of our human side.

After tallying and graphing the graph about curly hair versus straight hair, I asked the question "How many more kids who have straight hair are there than kids who have curly hair?" The kids explained how they got it. With this mindset, we are starting to answer questions in this trend of how much greater than.

After doing our graphic organizer for Little Miss Muffet last week, we did part 2 of the exercise which is to summarize the poem using keywords we have in the graphic organizer. I modelled the writing and made them pair up to help each other in doing their writing exercises.

List of 'Bb' words

List of 'Cc' words

With our weather chart, we started exploring by how much a certain weather condition is greater than the other (e.g., How many more sunny days do we have than cloudy days?).  We did this for all and will continue to do so as we gather data. But here is a trick question I asked and clued them to listen very well to my question which is "How many more windy days do we have than sunny days?" Kids were answering 7 or 8. Finally, one child said it is not possible because we have only one windy day while there are 9 sunny days. Critical thinking is being seen in this classroom.

List of spelling words for the children to write in their journals
We also had a lockdown drill. To make it fun, I decided to use the same term that me and Ms K used in kindergarten, the "Ninja Turtle Tuck". The children will proceed to go  under their tables and like the ninja turtles, they will tuck themselves imagining they are powerful magical turtles. And this removed the anxiety that some of the kids were feeling about the drill. And I have assigned some students to remind me because I definitely need to make sure the classroom is safe during a lockdown and they are: (1) lock the door (2) lock the windows (3) put down the curtains (4) Ninja Turtle Tuck.
Your thoughts are welcomed. See you!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Summer Vacation (Mini book)

During our language writing activity, we focused on what we did during our summer. And the children have done such a great job. Enjoy!





















You can download the summer mini-book via this link:

Let me know any thoughts on this!  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Counting the days, math words, writing numbers, graphic organizer -things we did, Sept. 14 - 18

As part of everyday routine, we are counting the number of days. Whenever we reach a group of tens (e.g., 10, 20, 30, etc.)  we place a coloured popsickle stick to represent the number of tens. This allows the children to numerically translate concrete objects into numerical equivalents. 

As we progress through math activities, we will add more words about the things we are learning in math. Right now, words about graphing are being added.

Everyday, we add a number to create a number line. I don't correct the numbers in terms of how it is written. Many grade 1's are still learning where their numbers are facing. 

For language, I introduced the graphic organizer for the 5 W's. Primary students are very visual in their learning. I read the story, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, and we identified the 5 W's. We went through the storybook looking at the pictures and thinking of keywords we heard in the story. I modelled the thinking skills needed in accomplishing the organizer by thinking out loud the thoughts that I have and having the children fill in the blanks for me.

In language, we read a story about Bubble Bear to come up with our list of  'Bb' words.
We continue doing the graphs for our class demographics. We wanted to see who has straight hair and non-straight hair. By writing their names on the respective columns, the children learned about survey and tally, new Math words we included on our wall.

Then, we accomplished the graph, called the bar graph.

During circle time, we also went on a website for bar graph, Bar Graph Sorter . Click on the link and  let the children practice with you at home. This will be added to the websites in our class account for the children to explore.
And finally, here are the wonderful portraits of our little ones. They really enjoyed doing this self-portrait of mixed media.

Selfies of Room 5
A handout has been given on Friday. Please peruse through it.
Please let me know about your inputs or thoughts. I always welcome parent's ideas.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

All About Me (self - portrait)


All About Me Art

One of the best art activities to be done with a Grade 1 class is an art about doing their self-portraits. This shows you how aware the children are about themselves concerning their many physical attributes (curly hair, brown eyes). And the true enjoyment lies as well is the using of different colours and the choice of media. I allowed them to use coloured markers, crayons and pastels (both oil and soft). See their wonderful work below. Enjoy!
Charlotte C.

















For a first art of the year, I think they did mighty brilliant. Don't you think? Please let me know if you have any concerns, reactions or inputs. See you in school! :P